Marketing led more by obligation than inspiration is easier to spot when presented with a large group of examples. You can almost hear the direction, “Others are doing this, so we should do it.” This obligatory marketing results in forgettable, ineffective work that blends in with all other messages. You can’t overcome a lack of inspiration by over-designing it. Stand-out marketing is inspired by the problem the organization solves for their audience and delivered using the best way to reach and motivate them.
A strong execution is always required, but even the “coolest” work doesn’t break through on its own. One entry centered on an excellent piece of illustration. The story told within this single image cleverly repositioned an industry challenge and visually looked amazing. However, the extension to video and other campaign materials did not carry the promise of the original illustration. These additions seemed disjointed, almost like an afterthought. It’s easy to fall in love with a design, but once you capture your audience’s attention, you must guide them forward for it to pay off. Successful marketing considers the entire journey.
Overall, the work represented at the ANA B2 Awards made me proud to be part of a B2B agency. It also underscored the complex nature of the work we all undertake. I hope you find this review helpful.