Pretty bad, huh? That list took about 10 minutes to compile from just a handful of well-known websites. Let’s just say the industry-jargon machines are churning at an unprecedented rate when it comes to IIoT.
This is especially important to understand when you’re entering a category that just about every other peer and competitor are entering simultaneously. Here’s an excerpt from a recent blog I wrote on IIoT messaging that gives some advice: "Define your IIoT by the work it does and the specific value it can deliver for your customers. If you have a niche, define it and use it to your advantage." You can read the entire blog here.
If you operate in a niche, embrace it. Promise something specific and over-deliver. Create simple visuals in the forms of schematics and infographics which show how your company and its IIoT offering fit into your customers’ big pictures. Large enterprises have expansive technology strategies, so it’s imperative to be able to show how you “plug in” to their environment. You don’t have to look like you created the industrial internet of things; just show how you can help customers further exploit it for their benefit.